Survive The crisis

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The Dakota Fire Hole – Stealth Fire

In a survival situation, we want to stay stealthy. But you need to keep your body warm and cook your food. So you need fire. A fire will draw attention if someone is close. But the smoke can be seen from miles away. That’s why you want to learn how to make a Dakota fire hole. This technique will allow you to make a fire that only you can see!


How to Make a Fire in Wet Weather


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14 min Video Shows 50+ Survival Tips That Can Save Your Life

Your best tool in a survival situation is your knowledge.

This 14min video is plenty of fantastic tips that could make you survive in the wilderness. Being aware of what is possible to do in such a hostile environment is essential.

If you want mother nature to cooperate with you instead of working against you, you must watch this short but useful video.

Watch this video until the end because I am sure there are some points that will help you in your life.
