Survive The crisis

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10 Great Outdoor Uses for Baking Soda

Baking soda is not only a key cooking ingredient, it can also be used for cleaning, odor control and for other household uses.

But did you know that baking soda also has a wide variety of outdoor uses? I’m going to show you 10 great uses for this multipurpose product outside your home.

  1. Weed killer: To keep weeds out of sidewalk, paver stone and patio cracks, you can use baking soda. That’s the solution Readers Digest suggests. Simply sprinkle baking soda on your concrete or stones and sweep it into the cracks; the added sodium will chase away the weeds.


  1. Pool water: eHow says you can use baking soda to regulate pH in pool water. For sure, baking soda is a much healthier, natural and chemical-free pH-balancing solution.
  1. Pet stains: If your dog or cat’s urinating is leaving brown stains in your green grass, sprinkle some baking soda in water on the spots as soon as possible after your dog finishes.
  1. Tomato plants: The Gardening Cook uses baking soda to sweeten up tomatoes. You must be careful to not get any on the plant themselves. Sprinkle some baking soda around the base of each plant. The reduction in soil acidity will make your tomatoes much sweeter (but you should test the pH of your soil before).

  1. Garden-safe: Install It Direct says you should sprinkle some baking powder around the perimeter of your garden to keep nibbling rabbits away. Rabbits can literally destroy your garden quickly. In addition I recommend putting a fence around and getting an outside dog.
  1. Patio-safe: Wash off patio furniture using a water-baking soda mix. You can also sprinkle the powder directly onto the furniture and scrub with a damp sponge and the wash it off.
  1. Rugs and mats: You can do the same as above to clean outdoor rugs and mats which begin to get mildewy and smelly after spring rains.

  1. Fire control: Many people love the ambiance of an outdoor fire all year round, even in summer. But sometimes fire pits can get a bit too heated for summertime use; having a squirt bottle filled with water and a couple tablespoons of baking soda will help tame the fire monster.
  1. Ice melt: Baking soda makes a great de-icer for your car, sidewalks and farm equipment. Use it in place of corrosive salt.

  1. Sparkling windows: You can also use a baking soda-and-water combo to clean bugs and other debris off your glass panes and windshields.


13 Cool Homesteading Projects For Preppers


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3 Types Of Tarahumara Indian Corn And What They Are Used For

Marjory WIldcraft travelled to the Copper Canyons of Mexicoe to spend time with the Tarahumara Indians. These Insidans are the fastest ultra marathon runners in the world and part of thier incredible athleticism is because they grow their own food. Watch this video and learn the 3 most common types of corn that they grow.


Start Now With These 13 Homesteading DIY Projects


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DIY Antibiotics (Make it at Home)

Yes, you can make your own anti-biotics at home. I’ll show you how to make a really super powerful one (it’s easy to do). Anyone can do it. Most people will want to do this in their backyards or on a patio. But I suppose you could do it indoors too. This one I’ll show you how to make is way more complex than anything the pharmaceutical companies can produce, yet it is simpler and easier to make. No, you won’t need a lab of chemistry set. No, you won’t need microscopes or chemicals. Nope, you won’t even need a spectrum analyzer….

This is so simple it’s just amazing you aren’t doing it right now.

This particular anti-biotic not only helps boost your immune system for any time you have an infection, but it is also good for when you have a cold, it’s known to help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, it’s been known to help balance blood sugar, fight cancer, fight fungus, and more.

If you want to learn, register to the Home Grown Food Summit.


31 Ancient Native American Remedies


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Self-watering And Self-fertilizing Apple Trees Growing System

Hate to drag hoses and tired of lugging compost? Check out this super simple system the Tarahumara Indians use to grow apples with almost no work. Learn all these cool techniques for yourself by hopping over to the Home Grown Food Summit with over 30+ presentations from March 7th to 13th, 2016.




How To Use Squash Pits To Get Bigger Garden Yields


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How To Use Squash Pits To Get Bigger Garden Yields

You’ve never heard of a squash pit? You might be thinking “but squash have seeds, not pits!”. True, true, but check out this fun video. And head over the the Home Grown Food Summit to see the whole movie.


Register Here for the Free Home Grown Food Summit.

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13 Cool Homesteading DIY Projects For Preppers

1. Create a DIY Greenhouse

You can make your own greenhouse for $50. Growing food is essential for an off the grid homesteader/prepper. A greenhouse will extend your growing season so you can produce more food!

Here are 10 DIY Simple Greenhouse Plans

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Get instructions here


2. Build a Potatoe Gardening Box

Even if you live in a city and don’t have a lot of space, you will be able to grow 100 pounds of potatoes in only 4 square feet. Imagine how much food you could produce if you build several gardening boxes!


Get instructions here

3. Homemade Vinegar

The homesteader multi-purpose product: health, household, pets, beauty, etc. Very easy to make and so useful. You just need some apples, water and a container. Learn how to make your own apple cider vinegar and how to use this awesome tool!


Get instructions here

4. Build a Wind Powered Water Pump

Make a water pump that runs on wind out of bicycle parts! This project will increase your self-sufficiency. This pump can be used for your water supply or your garden!


Get instructions here


5. Make Your Own Cooking Oil

Don’t rely on the grocery store and make your own cooking oil with these instructions.

6. Preserve Tomatoes with Canning Jars

Preserving tomatoes is the most simple canning you can do when you are a beginner. This is a recipe for stewed tomatoes, but there are all sorts of delicious recipes out there for tomatoes.

Canning 101 for beginners here.


Get instructions here.

7. Build Your Own Chicken Coop

You are not a real homesteader without chicken. You will get instructions to build all you need for raising chicken: chicken coop, feeders, waterers, nesting boxes. Get your chicken coop on a budget!

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Get instructions here


8. Build an Easy Outdoor Rocket Stove

Create an alternative cooking source with this simple rocket stove!

9. Make Your Own Canned Pickles

After harvesting your cucumbers from your garden, a great way to preserve them is making canned pickles. Grow in summer and eat in winter!


Get instructions here

10. Get Food from Mother Nature

Our ancestors didn’t rely only on the food they produced. They also harvested wild plants, fruits and mushrooms. But they were also good hunters, fishers and trappers. Wild food is an extra source of supply that is free and can make you thrive in a SHTF situation.




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11. Learn to Bake Without an Oven

Before the industrial age, many farmers didn’t have an oven because it was too expensive. A very good project is to cook your food with a Dutch oven!


Get instructions here

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12. Make Homemade Cheese

Learn to make goat cheese and mozzarella from fresh milk!


Get instructions here

13. Build Your own Metal Foundry and Make Your own Tools

Make a Mini Metal Foundry


Make Your Tools from Soda Cans
