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How to Make a Paracord Grenade

My friend is convinced that it’s better buying what he needs for prepping than making stuff himself.

I followed these super simple instructions, step-by-step and made an awesome paracord grenade!

Who do you think is right? Do you think it’s important to make your own tools or it’s wasting your time?

Please leave me your comments below!


Watch the Paracord Grenade Review Here



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Survival Frog Paracord Grenade Review

You won’t believe what all is packed inside this paracord grenade kit.


Buy Paracord Grenades Now!


10 Coolest Paracord Survival Bracelet


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5 Ways to Use Paracord For Survival

If you are not still convinced that paracord is preppers’ best friend, I am sure you will after seeing how it can be used in a survival situation. It is easy strong, versatile, inexpensive, lightweight and easy to carry with you where you go. This is why paracord survival bracelets are so popular.

Must See: Get a FREE FireKable Paracord Pracelet

Here are 5 ways how you can use paracord for survival.

1. Paracord Tent Rigging

With some paracord and know how, you can turn any ordinary tarp into a makeshift shelter.
For the full DIY, click here.



2. Paracord Snare Trap

This easy snare trap will help you catch small game and eat in a survival situation. The instructions and tutorial will show you how to create a basic snare with paracord and sticks that will increase your probability of catching something in the wild.


For more, check out the full DIY!

3. Paracord Backpack Strap Wrap

Up the durability of normal pack straps by this addition of a paracord wrap. The Paracord Strap Wrap is a simple way of tidying up loose ends on your gear using various lengths of paracord. Using paracord instead of things like cable ties has its obvious advantages to any paracord fanatic.

Depending on the amount of the strap you want to cover and the thickness you want to make it you can use anywhere between 2 or 3 meters up to 15. Full instructions.

4. Paracord Bandoiler

Keep your ammo neat and orderly with this easy DIY.


It’s always a good idea to bring a length of paracord when you go to the wilderness. Lighten your pack by leaving the ammo boxes at home and hold your ammunition with this paracord bandoiler. Full instructions.


5. Paracord Rock Sling

Never run out of ammo with this paracord slingshot. This DIY backup weapon doesn’t need bullets or arrows.


The sling is one of the easiest ranged weapons you can make. Because of that, it is popular. It has been used since ancient times for hunting and even in warfare. Instructions here.


Don’t miss out the 10 Coolest Survival Paracord Bracelet


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10 Coolest Paracord Survival Bracelets‏

The use of bracelets can mean the difference between life and death. What about using paracord for making a survival bracelet? Each bracelet is made with 8 to 20 feet of paracord, which can be used in many survival situations.

Here are the 10 coolest paracord survival bracelets with essential gear inside.

Ultimate EDC Tool: Get This $17.99 Microfish Survival Kit FREE!

1. Fire Starter | Paracord Bracelet

This paracord bracelet gives you an extra 15-17 feet of useable paracord. There is also a stainless steel eye knife buried inside. Start a fire easily with the knife and the flint clasp.

via Gizmag


2. Lumberjack Survival Bracelet

This one is amazing! It’s capable of cutting down trees! Check out this video on how to use the wire saw hidden inside.


3. Survival Bracelets with Fishing Line

This paracord is perfect for any survival situation. Carry everything you need to fish!

4. Blaze Bar Quick Deploy | Paracord Bracelet

This bracelet deploys in a flash. The quick deploy weave used in the bracelet will have the paracord unravelled, in our hands, and ready to go in moments!



via DIY Ready

5. Paracord Secret Compartments

These paracord knots are able to store very useful survival tools inside the survival bracelet. Check the videos below!



6. Paracord Watch Bracelet

Replace your watch band with some useful paracord!



7. Compass Survival Bracelets

Weave a compass into your paracord bracelet!


8. Paracord Dog Collar

Don’t forget your pets and store necessary supplies for their needs, like this paracord collar.



via DIY Ready

9. Wearable Survival Kit | Paracord Bracelet

This ultimate survival bracelet comes jam-packed with 18 survival tools!


10. Make a Mad Max Style Survival Bracelet

Who says preppers are not fashion? This video will show you how to make your own paracord bracelet.

Now try hiding some of your key survival tools in one of these paracord bracelets.


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Top 5 Knife Making Tutorials


Knifes are one the best survival tools. If you are in a survival situation, you will certainly use materials you have on hands to build your own tools. I’ve compiled some of the best knife making tutorials. Theses guys use only natural or easy to find materials. If you’re able to make your own knife today, you’ll be well prepared in a survival/SHTF scenario.

1. Homemade Knife from a Stone

Very useful video because you will always be able to find some stones to make a survival knife. Even if you are lost in the wild.


2. Homemade Knife from a Saw Blade

You should have a saw in your garage. So it’s easy to make your own knife with this tool.


3. Homemade Knife from Pry Bar

A very tough knife.



4. Stone Knife ”White Tail Dagger”

Making a primitive stone knife made from flint and a whitetail deer antler.


5.  Homemade Big Knife from an Old Lawnmower Blade

As you see, we have infinite mechanical parts that can be chnaged into a great knife.