Survive The crisis

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Companion Planting Guide PDF

Sometimes you end up wishing you had a resource at hand to make it easier to apply Permaculture principles. This was the case for myself when it came time to start thinking about beneficial groupings of plants and those groupings that do not go well together.

This very simple information sheet is easy to use and very handy to have as a reference, either printed out and hung up on the wall or on the computer when we sit down and start thinking about designing our gardens or food systems.



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Build The Ultimate First Aid Kit

Building a first aid kit is one the first thing you should do to prepare for a SHTF scenario. If you don’t have one, I really recommend you to start as soon as possible. These videos will help you to build the best survival first aid kit. This man is a former fire medic EMT so he knows what he is talking about. This video show you exactly the items needed to put together the ultimate first aid kit.


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How to Make Soap in a Survival Situation

Most of the people who are in a survival situation, do not think about hygiene at all. But the main point is that it is really important because if you keep your body clean, you can avoid all the diseases and infections. These ailments can kill you or make your life tough in that situation. Another thing to note here is that making through the survival situation is not that tough as you might think. Importantly, you would be requiring your material used in usual survival activities like grease, ash or animal fat.

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Making soap in survival situation

One of the most common way to make a cleaner is to mix wooden ash into grease. This method is really quick and easy to make. The only problem here is that the cleaner which will be formed can be used to clean kitchen utensils, tools etc. and is not suitable to use on human body. So if you want to create homemade soap while using the common material you find in the wilderness, follow the below mentioned steps
1. First you have to start with removing pearl ash (which is a purified version of potash) or potash itself, which are basically different forms of potassium based alkali present in wood material or plants. You can do this by leaching. Next you need to make a container having small holes present in the bottom
2. Form the first layer by placing small gravel. This layer will form at the bottommost part of the container
3. Then above the layer of gravel, place sand or straw. Basically the use of sand or straw is because they function as a filter. Do not worry, if you cannot find them, you can use any kind of filter
4. Now you would have to fill the rest of the container with the ashes. These ashes have to be of a cooled campfire which makes it easy to obtain.
5. Now you have to place a cooking container below the first container so that you catch the runoff.
6. Start now with pouring about a gallon of water onto the ashes. Doing this will allow the brownish-grey water (also called lye) to pass through the hole present at the bottom of the container. Then it will pass on to the second water underneath the first. You should pour slowly, like 2, 3 ounces in a minute. Do note that if the ashes have started to swim, then you should slow down the pace of pouring. During the leaching process, if you notice that lye is losing colour, then you can add more ash too.

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7. After this boil the lye water using the cooking container. It should be done until half of the water has been evaporated. The mixture thus formed may froth or foam. Small bubbles will also rise from the sides of the pot. The solution thus formed is called potassium carbonate or potash
8. Now add grease, animal fat and half a cup lard to the boiling mixture and keep cooking for about 30 minutes. Note that if you are using animal fat (which could be the case if you are making soap in the wilderness, and that is the most easily available option) then do ensure that it is free meat, blood or food particles. But if the animal fat is not pure, then it may spoil the soap in the drying process.
9. Now it’s time to place the mixture into molds. Do not worry about the shape of the mold as it does not matter. You can use a deep dish or wooden mold carved from tree wood would also do. Large mold can also be used and once the soap is hardened, cut the bars into pieces.
10. Leave the mixture to dry for 1-2 days. After that remove the soap from the mold.
11. If you have used larger mold, cut it into pieces
12. Now you need to place the soap in a well ventilated area for about 10-14 days. If you have a lot of soap bars, it is better not to stack them up but to lay them which would help in the drying process.

Additional notes to be taken in consideration

Animal fats used in soap making process
You can clean the animal fats used in the soap making with a process called rendering. With this process you can remove all the animal meat tissue which surrounds the animal fat. Add the fats (chopped into small pieces) with cooking grease in a container having a small amount of water. Do not stop boiling the mixture until all the fats and grease is completely melted. Now remove the mixture from boiling and add more water to it. Let the solution cool overnight and the next day you will see all the animal fat solidified at the bottom of the container. That layer would be a clean layer of fat.

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Softness and hardness of resulting soap
After the whole soap making process, if the resultant soap is too soft then you can put more salt on top of it. Once you do that, the soap will absorb the water and will harden it, giving it the texture similar to the commercial soaps. Another thing to consider here is that the type of water which you use in the soap making process also determines the end product. If you use rain or spring water, then it would be a best case scenario as they do not contain any acidic chemicals or metallic substance present. You can also use river water but for that you would also require baking soda or salt to harden the soap.
Making the soap smell good
You can make your soap smell good by adding natural fragrances to it. For example you can use wintergreen or oil squeezed from lavender which would make the soap smell as the commercial soap. Another substances which can be used are lemon juice or vinegar which can make the soap free of any kind of pungent or undesirable smell
Other uses of lye water
You can also use lye water to sanitize latrines and outhouses as it kill the bacteria and it would be quite beneficial when you are in the wilderness.

How to Purify Water When You Have Nothing


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3 Types Of Tarahumara Indian Corn And What They Are Used For

Marjory WIldcraft travelled to the Copper Canyons of Mexicoe to spend time with the Tarahumara Indians. These Insidans are the fastest ultra marathon runners in the world and part of thier incredible athleticism is because they grow their own food. Watch this video and learn the 3 most common types of corn that they grow.


Start Now With These 13 Homesteading DIY Projects


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DIY Antibiotics (Make it at Home)

Yes, you can make your own anti-biotics at home. I’ll show you how to make a really super powerful one (it’s easy to do). Anyone can do it. Most people will want to do this in their backyards or on a patio. But I suppose you could do it indoors too. This one I’ll show you how to make is way more complex than anything the pharmaceutical companies can produce, yet it is simpler and easier to make. No, you won’t need a lab of chemistry set. No, you won’t need microscopes or chemicals. Nope, you won’t even need a spectrum analyzer….

This is so simple it’s just amazing you aren’t doing it right now.

This particular anti-biotic not only helps boost your immune system for any time you have an infection, but it is also good for when you have a cold, it’s known to help lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, it’s been known to help balance blood sugar, fight cancer, fight fungus, and more.

If you want to learn, register to the Home Grown Food Summit.


31 Ancient Native American Remedies


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Top 5 Medicinal Plants You Can Easily Grow

Like every prepper, you might have some drugs and a First Aid Kit at home, in your car or your Bug-Out-Bag. Healing a wound or treating your children when they are sick are important skills you should learn in order to be self-sufficient. When there is no doctor or drugstore to rely on, you are alone with your knowledge and the drugs you stored.

In the case of long disasters or a collapse, the best way to get medicines is to become your own drug factory. Growing Medicinal plants in your survival garden is the cheapest and best solution for creating the drugs you need in a natural manner. I have started using plants a few years ago and I noticed that they are better than the pills you find at your local drugstore. Furthermore, this way you avoid the side effects of chemical medicines. They also provide you minerals and vitamins to be stronger and healthier. I personally drink herbal teas almost every day. But you must be careful if you do have allergies.

Here is a list of the best and easiest plants to grow:

1 – Garlic
Yes, garlic is a medicinal plant. You can use it as an antibiotic. It’s perfect for stomach, flu or if you have a cold. Garlic can be eaten to reduce high blood pressure and it’s very helpful for people who suffer from diabetes. If you want to grow garlic, you only need to plant a clove in October. Garlic is harvested in July.

2 – Thym
A very powerful aromatic and medicinal plant. I use it to eliminate phlegm and alleviate problems like colic or bad breath. If you suffer from asthma, it’s a very good plant to put in your dishes or herbal teas. Use thyme to relieve cough and fever. Like garlic, it’s an antiseptic. Thyme is a perennial plant so you just have to plant it one time and harvest from it several years. I recommend you to wait until the second year before you start harvesting. Your thyme will be stronger and produce more.

3 – Chamomile
One of the best plants. You can use it to relieve stomach and gut disorders. It also has the power to assist in healing of indigestion, while also being a great sleeping agent. Very useful for children. Chamomile will help you with muscle spasms and cramps. Seed chamomile and it will reseed itself every year.

4 – Peppermint
A perennial and invasive plant. Be careful! I grow peppermint for its stimulating and refreshing properties that dispel headaches. I use it also as a digestive aid. Peppermint is well known for its antispasmodic actions that help you relieve nervous irritability and reduce or prevent muscle spasms. This herb is used for treating indigestion, alleviating the symptoms of flatulence and intestinal colic. You can seed or plant peppermint you purchased at your garden store. It’s a rustic, strong and invasive plant. So grow it in a place where it won’t bother you.

5 – Sage
In Latin, it means ”save”. Sage saved many people’s lives since people began using it. As an herbal tea, it relieves fever and stomach flu. It’s also an antiseptic to treat wounds. Just wrap a leaf around a wound to help heal the wound faster. Sage has also been known to assist with hot flashes associated with menopause. It also relieves painful menstrual pains. Sage is a perennial plant. Just plant it and you will harvest its leaves for several years.

If you grow and use these medicinal plants, you will be able to cure many diseases and keep your family healthy. It’s very cheap and easy to do it and you’ll have your own drugstore in the backyard.

Rob from Survive The Crisis