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How to Make Your Own Charcoal

Here is a video showing how to make charcoal from scratch (wood). The uses sharp rocks to chop the wood into small pieces, puts them in a pile, covers it with leaves and kindling, covers the mound with mud, and then burns the wood under it until it becomes charcoal.

Charcoal burns hotter than wood with less smoke. So it’s perfect for cooking or metal working. Enjoy!

survival manual

Learn How to Make Fire in a Survival Situation

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Survival Frog Paracord Grenade Review

You won’t believe what all is packed inside this paracord grenade kit.


Buy Paracord Grenades Now!


10 Coolest Paracord Survival Bracelet


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10 Coolest Paracord Survival Bracelets‏

The use of bracelets can mean the difference between life and death. What about using paracord for making a survival bracelet? Each bracelet is made with 8 to 20 feet of paracord, which can be used in many survival situations.

Here are the 10 coolest paracord survival bracelets with essential gear inside.

Ultimate EDC Tool: Get This $17.99 Microfish Survival Kit FREE!

1. Fire Starter | Paracord Bracelet

This paracord bracelet gives you an extra 15-17 feet of useable paracord. There is also a stainless steel eye knife buried inside. Start a fire easily with the knife and the flint clasp.

via Gizmag


2. Lumberjack Survival Bracelet

This one is amazing! It’s capable of cutting down trees! Check out this video on how to use the wire saw hidden inside.


3. Survival Bracelets with Fishing Line

This paracord is perfect for any survival situation. Carry everything you need to fish!

4. Blaze Bar Quick Deploy | Paracord Bracelet

This bracelet deploys in a flash. The quick deploy weave used in the bracelet will have the paracord unravelled, in our hands, and ready to go in moments!



via DIY Ready

5. Paracord Secret Compartments

These paracord knots are able to store very useful survival tools inside the survival bracelet. Check the videos below!



6. Paracord Watch Bracelet

Replace your watch band with some useful paracord!



7. Compass Survival Bracelets

Weave a compass into your paracord bracelet!


8. Paracord Dog Collar

Don’t forget your pets and store necessary supplies for their needs, like this paracord collar.



via DIY Ready

9. Wearable Survival Kit | Paracord Bracelet

This ultimate survival bracelet comes jam-packed with 18 survival tools!


10. Make a Mad Max Style Survival Bracelet

Who says preppers are not fashion? This video will show you how to make your own paracord bracelet.

Now try hiding some of your key survival tools in one of these paracord bracelets.


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The Dakota Fire Hole – Stealth Fire

In a survival situation, we want to stay stealthy. But you need to keep your body warm and cook your food. So you need fire. A fire will draw attention if someone is close. But the smoke can be seen from miles away. That’s why you want to learn how to make a Dakota fire hole. This technique will allow you to make a fire that only you can see!


How to Make a Fire in Wet Weather


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Wet Weather Fire-Making – HowTo

In this video you will learn how to make a huge fire that will last all night long, especially in wet weather!


Learn to Create Fire with Friction


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Creating Fire with Friction

Learn from Jessie and Jane as they show how to create fire through friction.

In just over three minutes, they show how you can create fire from two pieces of wood, a bow, and some dry grasses or straw.


Learn to Make Fire by Rubbing Sticks

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DIY Emergency Fire Starter (Char Cloth)


Use clothes and a can of tuna to make some high quality fire starter! Here’s how to make a great batch of Char-Cloth to add to your emergency kit.

Click Here to Learn How to Make Fire By Rubbing Sticks

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How to Make a Fire By Rubbing Sticks

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Cast away on a deserted island? Here’s a survival technique for making a fire with the most basic of resources. How to make a fire rubbing 2 sticks together!

Click Here to Make Your Own Fire Starter

fire starter

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How to Make Waterproof Matches

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Waterproof matches are expensive, but you can make your own for only a fraction of the price. Listed below are a number of effective and proven ways to make waterproof matches you can use for camping, backpacking, and emergencies.


The BEST & SAFEST Method is to use Turpentine. (Turpentine has a higher “flash point” relative to Acetone, which is commonly used in nail polish and does not involve the use of flame as is needed in the Wax or Paraffin methods.)

1. Pour 2 to 3 large tablespoons of Turpentine into a small (Tumbler sized) glass.


2. Place the matches, (Head down) into the Turpentine and allow the matches to soak for 5 minutes. During that time the turpentine will soak into the head as well as the stem. All the water will be driven off by the turpentine.


3. Remove the matches and spread them out to dry out on a sheet of newspaper. Generally, 20 minutes for excess turpentine to be evaporated is recommended. Matches treated in this way remain waterproof for several months or longer.
1. Dip the head end of the match into clear nail polish far enough to cover at least an eighth of an inch (3 millimeters) of the stick below the head.
2. Hold the match for a few seconds to allow the polish to dry and then place the match on a table or counter so that the head is suspended off the edge of the surface.
3. Place a sheet of newsprint below to catch anything that may drip off.
1. Light a candle and let it burn down until you have a good amount of liquid wax (about a half of an inch or 1 centimeter).
2. Extinguish the candle.
3. Dip the head end of the match into the wax far enough to cover at least an eighth of an inch (3 millimeters) of the stick below the head.
4. Hold the match for a few seconds to allow the wax to harden slightly and then place the match on a table or counter so that the head is suspended off the edge of the surface.
5. When the wax has cooled, but not completely hardened, pinch the end of the wax coating (towards the stick), forming a tight seal.
1. Melt enough paraffin wax in a double boiler to be able to coat with wax about a half of an inch (1 centimeter) deep.
2. Wrap some twine or jute string around several matches from the bottom, to just below the wax quickly. This makes a torch that can burn for 10 or more minutes
 Sans titre
  • If you do not have a double boiler, you can melt the paraffin wax using a metal bowl over a pot of boiling water. You can also melt the wax in a pan on low heat, but this increases the chance of causing a fire.
  • Do not use a plastic cup to sit turpentine in, as it may be melted by the chemical itself.
  • Turpentine effectively displaces all hygroscopically absorbed moisture content. So any wood stemmed matches (regardless of age) can be used.
  • Turpentine has a relatively high “flash point” in comparison to Nail polish, therefore it is the safest to use. Mineral Turpentine, Pine, or Citrus turpentine all have the same waterproofing capacity.
  • The matches may also be completely covered with the wax to make sure water can’t migrate up the matchstick.
  • The Nail Polish method is more volatile than Turpentine, but is better than wax that can more easily break or be scratched.
  • Even though the matches will be waterproof, it is a good idea to store your finished matches & striker patch in a waterproof container, such as a small 35 mm film container, or any other sealable & waterproof canister.
  • This should be done soon after buying the matches so that the matches don’t pick up too much moisture from the air.
  • The candle method works best with wood stemmed matches. Do NOT USE with Plastic or Waxed stems.
  • Decant the remainder of the unused Turpentine back into the original container.
  • Make sure to transfer unused turpentine into recyclable plastic water bottles for safe storage, it is best to transfer outside in case of spills.


  • Wax in its liquid state is very hot and may cause severe burns. It may also catch fire.
  • Turpentine is poisonous if swallowed. or inhaled intensely over a period of time.
  • Always use caution when working with fire.
  • Paraffin wax is incredibly hard to remove from a pan. Use an old pan/double boiler or purchase one second-hand for this purpose. Alternately, use an old coffee can or #10 tin can set in a pot of water. Paraffin Wax is also highly reactive in the presence of introduced water droplets.
  • Nail polish (and wax) can stain fabric and surfaces, so it is a good idea to cover your work surface in newspaper. Nail Polish is also highly flammable. Nail Polish is also a known carcinogenic substance.
  • Sturdy wooden matches (preferably the strike-anywhere sort)
  • Candles, Paraffin Wax, Nail Polish or Turpentine.
  • A saucepan or double boiler
  • Tongs or fork to dip matches into wax
  • Newspaper or other table covering
  • Small glass tumbler.
  • Fire extinguisher or fire rug.
  • Life insurance.



Not being able to start a fire is not only frustating, it’s also life threatening. Fire is the key to survive in the wildnerness, in case of emergency and even in everyday situations when normality won’t come back again. It provides lights, warmth, protection against predators and heat for cooking.

Waterproof matches are really useful and essential for survival. But you can’t rely on matches alone. You need to know at least 3 different ways to start a fire !

If you haven’t seen it yet, here is my favorite:

The Everstryke Match


And right now, it can be yours absolutely free !

Claim yours now!