Survive The crisis

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How to Make a Paracord Grenade

My friend is convinced that it’s better buying what he needs for prepping than making stuff himself.

I followed these super simple instructions, step-by-step and made an awesome paracord grenade!

Who do you think is right? Do you think it’s important to make your own tools or it’s wasting your time?

Please leave me your comments below!


Watch the Paracord Grenade Review Here



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Survival Frog Paracord Grenade Review

You won’t believe what all is packed inside this paracord grenade kit.


Buy Paracord Grenades Now!


10 Coolest Paracord Survival Bracelet


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Survival Tip: Make Food from Pine Trees!

When you need to survive, your knowledge is your vital tool. Pine trees are one of the most recognizable types of tree and also a great resource for survival.

Check out the video below to know more.


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How to Tap a Birch Tree

Master the ancient art of tapping a birch tree for sap and you’ll be rewarded with a sweet, refreshing and 100% natural thirst quencher.
Birch sap is a natural medicine. It looks like water but has a sweet taste with a lot of health benefits. You can forage it easily. So watch the video and then grab your billy and track down a birch tree!


Infinite Supply of Water by Tapping Trees


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How to Tie 7 Basic Knots

Knot tying has always been a key survival skill. The experienced outdoorsman knows that there are right and wrong knots for certain jobs. A good knot can save lives when your are dealing with a survival situation or performing first aid. So be sure to watch this video and learn these 7 basic knots.


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The Dakota Fire Hole – Stealth Fire

In a survival situation, we want to stay stealthy. But you need to keep your body warm and cook your food. So you need fire. A fire will draw attention if someone is close. But the smoke can be seen from miles away. That’s why you want to learn how to make a Dakota fire hole. This technique will allow you to make a fire that only you can see!


How to Make a Fire in Wet Weather


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Wet Weather Fire-Making – HowTo

In this video you will learn how to make a huge fire that will last all night long, especially in wet weather!


Learn to Create Fire with Friction


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Creating Fire with Friction

Learn from Jessie and Jane as they show how to create fire through friction.

In just over three minutes, they show how you can create fire from two pieces of wood, a bow, and some dry grasses or straw.


Learn to Make Fire by Rubbing Sticks

fire stick

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14 min Video Shows 50+ Survival Tips That Can Save Your Life

Your best tool in a survival situation is your knowledge.

This 14min video is plenty of fantastic tips that could make you survive in the wilderness. Being aware of what is possible to do in such a hostile environment is essential.

If you want mother nature to cooperate with you instead of working against you, you must watch this short but useful video.

Watch this video until the end because I am sure there are some points that will help you in your life.


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How to Fill Your Canteen by Tapping a Tree

In a survival situation, staying hydrated is vital. Sometimes there is no water source close to you like a river or a pond. But there is one thing you will ever find in the wild. Trees!

Trees are very helpful for surviving. They provide wood for fire and shelter but they are also an infinite supply of fresh clean water.

This video will show you how to easily fill your canteen by tapping a tree.


Go Further and Make a Survival Pocket Water Filter

Pocket Water Filter