Survive The crisis



I am Rob and I am the founder and editor of Survive The Crisis. I am a civil and mechanical engineer. A few years ago, I realized that the world as we know it is going to change. So I decided to build my self-sufficiency to protect my family.

​We are living in the most dangerous period of mankind history. My job is to convince you that you should prepare yourself and your family for the coming times and how to do it. The earth is running out of ressources, and the most important of them, OIL. Do you know that today we use 10 calories of fossil fuels to produce 1 calorie of food? Tractors, trucks, pesticides, fertilizers, plastic bags and containers,… all this stuff needs oil. So if there is no oil, there is no food. The only solution is to build your self-sufficiency and start a new life. And I am here to help you and have a better life.
»Be a better person, don’t depend on the system and live a good life with my family » is my principle. If you agree with me, join our community and start to change your life today!

Don’t forget that we’re in together.


PS: Get Your Free Ebook here

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